BEATTMstands for Beck Emotional Access Technique. It has been developed by FBS founder Fay Beck. Put simply it is a neuroscience based training system that helps people take control of their internal affective states through a set of specialised and practical BEATTM Exercises and Tools that change behaviour, posture and verbal communication.

As a simple demonstration of the approach, try this little ‘exercise’:

Bring attention to how you feel right now; actually feel your internal state.

Now imagine that you could replace your internal state with a more confident, happier, powerful, ‘change-it-up-any-way-you-like’ state…
And imagine that you could just do this through simple, physical, behavioural and posture changes and verbal communication tools…

That’s BEATTM and that’s how we can help you and your teams
feel betterwork better and succeed better.

How BEAT works to change you

“Where and when you feel the resistance that is exactly the place and the time you must press on. However gently, however carefully it doesn’t matter; the point is to push on.”

Fay Beck


We help you bring awareness to your current thoughts, behaviours and internal states and show you they work as a restrictive system.

We train you to apply the tools and constructively work through resistances and blocks through a straightforward practice plan uniquely suited to you.


We teach you practical tools that break habits, shift behaviour and change internal states. We work at the level of behaviour not cognition – that’s our secret to success.

Are you ready to work diligently towards the next version of you?


We train you to apply the tools and constructively work through resistances and blocks through a straightforward practice plan uniquely suited to you.

Have you practiced self development through a concise, effective method that actually makes sense to you? Or has it rather been a confused mishmash of methods, a mixture of helpful pieces of advice, tips, tricks that although useful do not feel grounded in you?


Work towards an elevated version of you breaking through your previous character’s restrictive shell.

Have you experienced how existing methods you have tried lack the philosophical & practical ground to bring about real, embodied change?

Our system is based on a known process of motivation that has been used to lead people to do great things. It takes into account research and findings from Neuroscience, Emotion Psychology, Cognitive Psychology and Sports Psychology. It is a distillation of ideas, proven theories and findings from various fields in psychology. The work of particular theorists may be immediately evident in our approach namely Ekman’s atlas of emotions and Daniel Kahneman’s thesis on the dichotomy between two systems of behaviour. Philosophically, we believe that emotions and consciousness is connected and so we are aligned with Neuropsychologist and Psychoanalyst Mark Solms who’s work particularly as expressed in The Hidden Spring has been considered groundbreaking.

While our approach is guided by formal systems of knowledge, we consider it to be a practical based system. Experience and test case application is what guides refinement of our method. Fay is actively developing and testing her methods as she encompasses shifts in industry, society, culture and practice. She has spent eight years applying and testing the technique in what might in some ways be considered the most rigorous testing ground of the technique: training actors to reach various internal states and creating powerful behaviour for performance.

The system is not a quick tip guide.

The system – unlike many of our competitors – is not based on ‘traditional’ models of personal development that are largely couched in NLP philosophy and practice; the success claims of which haven’t been substantiated by research (See Witkowski, T. 2010 and relevant articles on the effectiveness of NLP from the American Psychological Association).

BEATTM relies on sound state of the art scientific research from the fields of Psychology and Neuroscience.

BEATTM, is a comprehensive system of training for the modern person aiming to empower them with state-of-the-art knowledge and tools about themselves, their behaviour, and, the work culture into which they seek to gain meaningful access, and one day very soon, lead.

What are you waiting for?


Think of our system like this:

The more aware you are and the more knowledgeable you are, the more control you have over best behaviour and action, moving you closer to your goals.

This is the upward virtuous cycle mode of human behaviour. This is the cycle you want to be on.

The opposite process unfortunately also holds true about the way we work:

The less aware you are and the less knowledgeable you are, the less control you have over your own destiny. The result is that you are further from your goals, eventually leading to a disempowered mindset and, reduced wellbeing and mental health.

You’ll recognise this as what is commonly referred to as a downwards vicious cycle. If you recongnise that you are on one of these, it’s time to take action!

Get the help you need to send the spiral moving the other way.

Our aim here at the studio is to make sure it works the right way: upwards and onwards towards success.


There are 2 ways to learn at the Studio: Courses, One-on-one Coaching.