I love knowing that I have helped you attain your Individual Personal & Professional goals.

I love helping organisations create and foster enriching environments which promote growth for the business and its people.

Having worked on my self for decades to undo negativity and adversity, I know the value of self development.

In my personal as well as my professional life, I have stumbled, I have fallen, I have failed and I have had to find the courage to get up, to build again and to succeed.

Throughout this continuous (and continuing) journey of self development I regard as my saviour 4 guiding principles: truthawarenesslove (or kindness if you prefer) and change.

These principles now form the bedrock on which my training programs stand; programs that have been designed to help individuals attain a truer, more embodied existence and to help them fulfill their dreams and desires in the world, through the work they do and the people they choose to have around them.

For organisations, my programs are unique plans of action that actually change the behaviour and mindsets of teams, leaders and the enterprise as a whole. In my progams, we don’t just deliver content; we do practical exercises that bring about lasting effects within the individuals that make up your organisation.

Undoubtedly, as you have embarked on the journey to self-improvement and personal transformation, you have come across many obstacles and perhaps some sceptical people. Possibly you have experienced some failure and a setback or two. Perhaps as a result your self worth has fallen further behind and you have decided to stay where you are; safe and secure in your familiar feelings.

I hope you don’t stay there for very long.

I hope you follow the desire to change and find the courage to see it to the end.

Because when you receive the right training to do it correctly and properly, you will experience what very few other things in life can give you: The profoundly liberating experience of being someone new.


It is profound to be able to fashion a new mindset; the better mindset you always wanted. In a world that is intent on turning you into a rigid and easily controllable consumer, the need for self expression, wellbeing, openness and change has never been felt stronger.

As a result many people and therefore many organisations are searching. Searching to find new ways of thinking, new ways of doing things.

The newest findings from the field of Neuroscience – a field that has greatly influenced the development of my method, BEATTM – are showing us that we are potentially much more flexible than we think. Much more agile than we have been trained to be by restrictive family, societal and educational structures.

We are only just now beginning to learn how people can be taught and trained more efficiently and effectively. The impact that these new learnings from these fields will have on life, and on the world of work, are going to be immense.

But immense will also be the gap between the people and the organisations that have embraced new thinking versus those that have not.


I have great respect for people who are courageous enough to change. To leave behind their old ways to doings things, their habits and behaviour and embraced a better more empowered mindset. The individual who is able to do this can inspire change in others; they change not only their lives but positively impact the lives of others.

I am impressed by these people because I know exactly just how difficult realembodied change is to achieve. Not the pretentious kind of change, not the change that comes from one’s head or the one that is driven by the ‘positivity movement’. But the kind that takes awareness, vigilance, effort, application and reflection.

I am a coach for people and organisations who are interested in this kind of change.

I am committed to empowering people to succeed. I wish to give them the mental strength, the inspired mindset, the behavioural tools, and the technical knowhow to succeed.

Change means breaking. It means undoing something. Challenging something. And when you begin the journey towards change, some things will need to be changed in you. Your thoughts, your behaviours, your feelings.

My approach is bona fide an approach to change you and your organisation. After we identify down to the granular level what prevents you from self-actualising or your organisation from flourishing, we will design a mechanism for change and then put it work to create a changed, upgraded version, of you or your organisation.

-Fay Beck


The studio is a one of a kind training destination. It offers Individual Personal Development Courses, Bespoke Coaching, Group Courses, Business Courses for Training Teams and Business Services such as Change Management.

A common philosophy runs through our teaching material and our approach:

Teaching sound, state of the art KNOWLEDGE from the newest fields in Neuroscience, Psychology, Personal Development and Learning & Development,

Sharing insight into the complex interplay between IDENTITY/SELF – THOUGHT – BEHAVIOUR – EMOTION, in order to

Help you UNDERSTAND how humans work and so that you can become AWARE of how you specifically ‘work’,

Importantly, providing you with the tools to actually CHANGE behaviour, feelings & habits, so that

You can attain the UPGRADED Mindset and Sense of Self you seek.


“Become accustomed to change and slowly you will see the prison that safety and comfort can be.”

Fay Beck


I am warm and compassionate but also challenging. I recognise and warmly empathise with you. But if we stop at this, you will remain stationary in your progress. So, I invite you and challenge you to take things to the next level. However fast or slow we proceed will be your call; we just have to keep moving.